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Vote with #RYSAAMU to Help AAMU Win $150,000!

#RYSAAMU poster
Posted almost 2 years ago  in AAMU News.

Alabama A&M University is excited to join the 2023 Home Depot Retool Your School Competition. According to The Home Depot, the program has helped HBCUs by providing over $5.2 million in grants to make campus improvements since 2009.

This year’s top prize is $150,000, doubling the top award from 2022. AAMU’s 2023 projects include improvements and painting at Normal Hills, painting the retainer wall under the bridge over Meridian Street and improvements to the playground at the Child Development Center.

Your votes helped AAMU win the competition last year and $75,000 to improve AAMU’s historic Bell Tower.

Online voting is available daily and is open until March 26 at Click “Vote Now”, choose Cluster 1 and Vote for Alabama A&M University. Online voting is unlimited. Also, each use of the #RYSAAMU hashtag on Twitter and Instagram earns AAMU a vote (see the RYS site for competition details). You can also download the AAMU Toolkit to create and share your #RYSAAMU spirit.

Let’s go, Bulldogs!!! Help Alabama A&M win a campus improvement grant up to $150,000!

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